

Secretary's office

Astrid Piaskowy and Stella Gutwein
Kaiserstr. 8, D-76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 721 608-44376
Email: mail∂

For usage requests please use the contact form.

Opening hours: by appointment

Directions by public transportation

From the main station take streetcar 2 in the direction of “Wolfartsweier” or S 4/S 41 in the direction of Heilbronn, get off at “Durlacher Tor”. The saai is located opposite the stop. It is located on the north side of Kaiserstraße.

Directions by car

From Frankfurt/Main or Basel (highway A 5) take exit 44 “Karlsruhe/
Karlsruhe-Durlach”. At the end of the exit, drive towards Karlsruhe-Zentrum (B 10, “Durlacher Allee”). After approx. 2 km turn right at “Durlacher Tor” into “Adenauerring”, direction “KIT Campus Süd”. After 200 m turn left onto the campus (“Haupteinfahrt Adenauerring”).
On campus, turn left behind the KIT library, parking lots at Otto-Ammann-Platz.

From Stuttgart (Autobahn A 8) take the A5 in the direction of Frankfurt/Main, continue as if coming from Frankfurt/Main or Basel.

From Ludwigshafen/Pfalz via the Rhine bridge B 9 (Südtangente), exit Hauptbahnhof, direction “Wildparkstadion” to Adenauerring, main entrance “KIT Campus Süd”. On campus, turn left behind the KIT library, parking lots at Otto-Ammann-Platz.

Site plan with description (PDF)